First ever group show and it will be traveling across Canada!
For dates see www.collapsingopposites.com
Melissa Cartwright is an artist, shoe designer and burlesque producer. She studied textiles at NSCAD University and shoe construction at F.I.T. in New York City. Melissa creates wearable art using hand embroidery, ribbons & ruffles, polka dots & snaps. She is currently employed as a designer for John Fluevog Shoes in Vancouver, B.C.
Rebecca LaMarre is a recent graduate of the Emily Carr University of Art & Design. She is interested in text and it's ability to make maximum impact with only modest output. She encourages audience participation and likes to think her practice exists somewhere in the blurry boundary between cultural inquiry and art.
Avery Nabata grew up in Vancouver, B.C. and was born during Expo '86. Her art practice focuses primarily on sculpture and installation, investigating areas pertaining to space and time. She paints houses for a living and is currently a student at the Emily Carr University of Art & Design.