Thursday, September 17, 2009

Summer 2009 - Object for Passive Light Show (Peripheral Performance 2)

We have an article in Front Magazine about the new installation by Emiliano.

Here's some information from Emiliano himself:

"The first variation of Object For A Passive Light Show was one that arose from the process of collecting the light around the performance space of various Collapsing Opposites shows by constantly walking around the performance space. All of this light was something that I used to make an experiential map of the different performances and the walks themselves became a peripheral performance to the one happening onstage.

The maps however took the form of monochromes where all the information gathered emerged simultaneously in a way that made the information impossible to read, and the experience of the various performances becomes impossible to transmit via the photographic prints.

Instead these prints appeared on the drum head in the form of unprocessed photo-paper that was still sensitive to light, surrounded by lenticular plastic which reflected and refracted the light around it onto the paper. The whole structure was intended to change as it absorbed more and more light during the various performances. The force of the kick drum however was such that it changed the piece incredibly drastically.

For the second iteration of this project, titled, Object For a Passive Light Show (Peripheral Performance 2), another reflective/refractive structure was constructed around the same unprocessed photo paper. This second version was again intended to react to the light around the band during their performance but also perform itself with the constant vibrations of the kick drum. These side performances would then compete with that of Collapsing Opposites but in a way that would go by generally unnoticed."